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Huanxia is an enrolled PhD student at the Aerodynamics Research Group at the School of MACE, University of Manchester (UoM) under supervision of Prof. Shan Zhong (FRAeS).

Before joining UoM, he first graduted from CDHAW, Tongji University with a bachelor’s degree and honored with outstanding thesis student, and served as a part-time research assistant at Shanghai Automotive Wind Tunnel Center (SAWTC). Then he graduated from Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore (NUS) with a master’s degree with distinction and Grade-A Thesis. He worked at The Aerodynamics Acoustics & Noise control Technology Centre (AANTC) of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) as a research assistant. Later, he worked at TenFong Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. (TenFong) as a research engineer in aerodynamics and aeroacoustics, developing CFD-CAA solvers and related post-processors.

His research interest includes aerodynamics and fluid mechanics. On one hand, he employs DNS-based high-order spectral element method (SEM), mainly Nek5000, to solve basic fluid mechanics problems, and on the other hand, he also uses commercial CFD tools like Star-CCM+ to simulate engineering cases like automobiles, eVTOLs, and bicycle frameworks. Additionally, he is familiar with 3D data-driven tools (DMD, POD, SPOD) and Lagrangian coherent structure identification (by FTLE). On the other hand, he is interested in experimental fluid mechanics, especially low-speed wind tunnel testing.

📖 Educations

  • 2025.07 - 2029.07, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering (Experimental Fluid Mechanics), The University of Manchester. Research title: Characterization of the unsteady flow around bicycle frames (Supervisor: Prof. Shan Zhong) at MACE Aerodynamics Research Group, funded through the China Scholarship Council and MACE.

  • 2023.07 - 2024.07, M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore. Thesis: Numerical Study of Flow Over a Dimpled Plate: Flow Patterns and Skin-Friction Reduction (Supervisor: Prof. Mengqi Zhang). Selected MS Term Papers.

  • 2019.09 - 2023.06, B.Eng. Automotive Engineering and Service, Tongji University. Thesis: Design and Research on Turbulence Generation Device for 3/4 Open Jet Wind Tunnel (Supervisor: Prof. Yigang Wang, Prof. Qing Jia, Prof. Yanfen Mao).

💻 Experiences

  • 2025.01 - Present, Aeroacoustics Engineer, TenFong Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd (TenFong).

  • 2024.05 - 2025.01, Graduate Research Assistant, Aerodynamics Acoustics & Noise control Technology Centre (AANTC), The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong Kong), Supervisor: Prof. Xin Zhang (Swire Chair Professor) & Prof. Peng Zhou.

  • 2022.07 - Present, Research Assistant (Part-Time), Shanghai Automotive Wind Tunnel Center (SAWTC) & Shanghai Key Lab of Vehicle Aerodynamics and Vehicle Thermal Management System, Tongji University (Shanghai & Remote), Supervisor: Prof. Zhigang Yang (Changjiang Chair Professor) & Prof. Qing Jia.

  • 2022.10 - 2023.06, Lean Management Intern, Group Components, Volkswagen Group China VGC (V-Space, Beijing).

  • 2022.08 - 2022.10, Research Intern, CEO Division (Innovation Center Asia ICA), Volkswagen Group China (V-Labs, Beijing).

  • 2022.01 - 2022.08, Technical Scouting Intern, Group R&D China (Innovation Center Asia ICA), Volkswagen Group China (Shanghai).

📝 Publications (incl. Accepted)

📝 Conferences

📝 Publications In Progess (Monitored Results)

  • Menglei Li, Bin An, Mingbo Sun, Peibo Li, Huanxia Wei, Jie Sun, Yicun Wang, Huangwei Zhang*, Supersonic Flame Stabilization in a Composite Combustor with Cavity and Backward-facing Step, R0 Under Review, Combustion and Flame, 2025.

  • Huanxia Wei, Chao Xia*, Qing Jia, Simone Sebben, Zhigang Yang, Influence of Incoming Turbulence on Aerodynamic Forces of a High-speed Train, Submitted to Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2025.

  • Huanxia Wei, Chao Xia*, Yanhong Lu, Yajun Fan, Zhigang Yang, Dynamic Modes and Topology Switching in the Bi-stable Turbulent Wake Behind a Rectangular Flat-back Ahmed Bluff Body, Preparing for Physics of Fluids, 2025.

  • Fuqiang Luo, Sichong Huang, Huanxia Wei*, Wall-modeled Large-eddy simulation of flow noise from turbulent flow past a cylinder at Re=3900, Preparing for Physics of Fluids, 2025.

  • Huanxia Wei, Quan Zhou, Reng Mo, Chengyi Wu, Qing Jia*, Zhigang Yang, Aerodynamic of Hybrid Wing Body aircraft, Part 1: Aerodynamic Forces and Vortices, Preparing for Aerospace Science and Technology, 2025.

  • Huanxia Wei, Quan Zhou, Reng Mo, Chengyi Wu, Qing Jia*, Zhigang Yang, Aerodynamic of Hybrid Wing Body aircraft, Part 2: Stability based on Coubined and Decoupled Dynamic Derivatives, Preparing for Aerospace Science and Technology, 2025.

  • Huanxia Wei, Chao Xia*, Qing Jia, Simone Sebben, Zhigang Yang, Influence of Incoming Turbulence on Slipstream of a High-speed Train, Preparing for Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2025.

  • Huanxia Wei, Mengqi Zhang*, Flow over Dimpled Plate: Unsteady Flow Patterns, Coherent Structures, and Skin Friction Reduction, Preparing for Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2025.

  • Sihan Liu, Dejian Meng*, Shuai Zhang, Huanxia Wei, Lijun Zhang, Construction of active road noise control system based on virtual reference signal, Preparing for Applied Acoustics, 2025.

  • Huanxia Wei, Chao Xia*, Qing Jia, Simone Sebben, Zhigang Yang, Influence of Incoming Turbulence on Wake Topology of a High-speed Train based on 3D SPOD, Preparing for Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2025.

  • Fuqiang Luo, Sichong Huang, Huanxia Wei*, Balanced and Unbalanced Wall Modelling for Large Eddy Simulation: Numerical Method and Validation, Preparing for Physics of Fluids, 2025.

💬 Academic Services

🎖 Honors and Awards

  • 2023.07, Outstanding Thesis Undergraduate Student, Tongji University (Top #1 in the major)
  • 2022.11, Second Class Scholarship for Outstanding Undergraduate Student, Tongji University
  • 2022.09, Member of champion group of Youth Summit 2022 Competition by Volkswagen Group China
  • 2022.09, First Prize of the 3rd GAC-Honda China Safety Competition, Top-30 projects
  • 2022.09, Second place of IDEEA 2022 (International Design and Engineering Education Association, international competition)
  • 2021.12, Third prize of Final of PWC-IYC National Industry Research Competition (Automotive Industry)
  • 2021.12, Third prize of Shanghai College Students “Creation Cup” Competition
  • 2021.11, National second prize of The National Final of the Fourth Intelligent Manufacturing Competition 2021 Chinese College Students Mechanical Engineering Innovation and Creativity Competition
  • 2021.09, Member of world champion group of IDEEA 2021
  • 2021.06, First Prize of the 2nd GAC-Honda China Safety Competition, Top-30 projects

🔗 Useful Links FYI